Birhtday events

Legal notices

Legal name of the operating company: SARL LE RICHEBOURG

Email : hotel@lerichebourg.com
Phone: 0380615959
Share capital: 7500.00€
VAT identification number: FR79449491976
SIRET number: 44949197600014
Photo credits: LE RICHEBOURG


Name of the publication manager: Lucie Mongeard
Website development: EcloLINK



OVH SAS with a share capital of 10,174,560 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
APE code 2620Z
VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419
Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
OVH SAS is a subsidiary of OVH Groupe SA, a company registered with the RCS of Lille under number 537 407 926, located at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.


By accessing this site, you are informed that the use of the Internet requires compliance with a set of legislation, in particular copyright and the Data Protection Act. SARL LE RICHEBOURG and EcloLINK cannot be held liable for errors or omissions, and the publisher also reserves the right to modify and update the data on the site at any time.


In accordance with the French Intellectual Property Code, the reproduction for purposes other than private use, sale, distribution, publication, adaptation or communication, in whole or in part, of the data (presentation, layout of the site, photos, texts and illustrations protected by copyright) is strictly subject to the prior written authorization of the rights holders mentioned above.


Identity of the data controller
The Site is published by the operating company, whose contact details are provided above. Access to the website and the use of its content are subject to the terms of use described below.

Nature of personal data
“Personal data” refers to any personal information that you may share with the operating company and that may directly or indirectly identify you as an individual, for example during a visit to a website, a request for information, a room reservation, and other services. The operating company collects and processes, in particular, your name, first name, email address, billing address, telephone number, IP address, connection data, browsing data, preferences and interests (non-smoking room, preferred room type, type of stay), and online reviews.

  • When are your personal data collected?
  • You browse the website (IP address and Cookies) and view products or services;
  • You provide the operating company with your observations/comments in certain sections, via questionnaires or contact forms, the official social media page of the operating company;
  • You send an email to the operating company;
  • You subscribe to the newsletter mailing list;
  • You share a page or an offer by sending an email or through a social network;
  • You respond to a satisfaction survey;
  • You make a quote request.
  • Data storage

The collected information is stored in our various reservation systems on secure and SSL-certified databases. This database includes customer names, addresses, phone numbers, positions, company names, and credit card data. We may also record other information such as your preferences regarding room, meals, drinks, and other services, as well as your stay history at our establishment.

Purpose of data collection by the operating company
Through the website, the operating company collects data about you that is strictly necessary for the following purposes:

  1. To manage your information and reservation requests, as well as any loyalty programs;
  2. To improve and personalize the services offered by the operating company to facilitate your navigation on the website;
  3. To manage and monitor the entire customer relationship;
  4. To manage registration for news and promotional offers from the operating company (newsletter);
  5. To manage all your access requests in accordance with applicable law;
  6. To manage unpaid bills and disputes;
  7. To manage job applications in response to job offers from the operating company that have caught your attention, or any unsolicited application;
  8. To measure quality and satisfaction. Without providing the mandatory information, your request cannot be processed.

Transparency and purpose:

No personal data is or will be collected without your knowledge. The optional or mandatory nature of the information to be provided to the operating company as part of the collection on the website will be indicated to you beforehand, through the presence of the asterisk symbol “*”. The operating company collects and processes your personal data only for the purposes described in these Legal Notices.

Proportionality and relevance:

The operating company only collects and processes personal data that is necessary for the proper processing of your request or for the customization of the services offered to you.

Data retention period:

The operating company only retains your personal data for the period necessary